Laurie Angle: (845) 986-1047, ext. 3 or
Age Group: 

Have you found yourself wondering how to separate fact from fiction, truth from alt-truth?  Does your instinct tell you to mistrust much of what you read or are told by people who dominate the airwaves and screens?  Does it seem sometimes like one person's data contradicts another person's data, making it impossible to form a decision based on facts? 

Critical thinking is the tool you've been looking for to examine statements and determine their merit.  For centuries, philosophers and scientists have developed a process for evaluating complex issues and reaching a conclusion that fits the facts -- by analyzing the content, recognizing hidden fallacies, paying attention to being manipulated by persuasive choice of language, and more. 

Come to this series on Critical Thinking and re-familiarize yourself with how to carefully dissect statements intended to steer you toward the speaker's a point of view.  Listen to the methodology of critical thinking and practice it in short workshop settings. You'll leave with tools that protect you away from persuasion and toward tight, rational thinking. 

Session 1:  Thursday, September 24:  Purposes, history and basic skills

Session 2:  Thursday, October 1:  Tools and applications

Session 3:  Thursday, October 8:  Fake news and the “as if” factor

It is possible to attend individual sessions, but attendance at all three is strongly encouraged for the most comprehensive understanding.  Please register with an email address and you will receive the Zoom link in advance of the session.  Register for each session individually.

[ Registration Required ]