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The root of the word discipline is 'learn,' so why does getting children to 'learn' how to control their impulses, desires or behaviors feel like a such a monumental task?  How do we set limits without shaming children or squashing a child's spirit?  Why is creating boundaries such an important thing for young children, even (or especially) during this complicated time?  Come share your toughest moments and learn some strategies that bring the learning back to discipline.

Wanda Frankel, MS Ed, LCSW, is an early childhood specialist who has over 30 years experience working with children, families, teachers and administrators in schools and clinical settings. In addition to being a play therapist, former preschool special educator and parenting coach, Wanda has been an early childhood consultant at various childcare programs in NYS for the last 14 years.

Family Central is an all volunteer, non-profit Parenting Support Network for parents and care-givers of children from birth through adolescence. Our grassroots movement based in Warwick, NY provides parenting information, resources, and workshops that address the developmental needs of children and the many challenges today’s families face. In working with the broader community we address the concerns that families raise, present the latest research on healthy child development, and identify what we can do together to strengthen and promote family wellness.


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